Visual Identity
Packaging Design
The brand spirit of MIYUAN is rooted in the Taoist culture with the phrase "其出弥远,其知弥少" (its origin is distant, its knowledge is limited), embodying the essential qualities of Taoism such as introspection, self-cultivation, inclusiveness, and balance. From its inception, the brand has adhered to these important Daoist qualities. In order to express this restrained and unassuming brand philosophy, the new logo selects three objects that best represent the spirit of Miyuan and recreates them as one; also performs the collision and balance between tradition and modernity, East and West.
The outer contour of this new logo is inspired by the body movements of Taoist meditation "Zen meditation," the shape of the traditional Chinese utensil, the gourd. The curved lines of the negative part are combined with the "S" curve structure found in Arabic coffee beans.
弥远的品牌精神是与道家文化一脉相承的“其出弥远,其知弥少”,从品牌创立之初便秉承着“内省、自修、包容、平衡”等道家最重要的品质。为了表达这种克制、不张扬的品牌价值观,全新的标识选取了三件最能代表弥远品牌精神的物件,并将其再创造、合而为一。此全新标识的正形外轮廓分别取自: 道家冥想“禅修”的肢体动作、中国传统器物葫芦的外形;负形部分的曲线则是结合阿拉比卡咖啡豆结构中的“S”线条。
品牌中英文的字形设计,曲线与直线段并存,刚柔并济 ;稍细的字形线条与饱满的Logo色块组合在一起, 突出传统与现代、东方与西方的对撞与平衡,更展现出了当代国有品牌在商业实践中应有的水准与格局。
品牌中英文的字形设计,曲线与直线段并存,刚柔并济 ;稍细的字形线条与饱满的Logo色块组合在一起, 突出传统与现代、东方与西方的对撞与平衡,更展现出了当代国有品牌在商业实践中应有的水准与格局。